Sunday, July 22, 2012

If I never had children...

I did a post a while ago, called "If I never had children".  I am thinking this bit is going to be a new series on this blog. It will be fabulous, so stay tuned.

If I never had children, I would like to believe that I would not have spent Saturday night in the following situation:

So my car has had this particularly funky smell for the past few days. Like something crawled inside and died a particularly smelly, oozy death. Since "I" left one of the doors open last week, I was concerned that one of the garage's resident chipmunks actually did crawl inside my car and die a smelly, oozy death.

So last night I pulled the car apart. This means I uninstalled and reinstalled three carseats...which is always an awesome way to spend a Saturday night.  My neighbors think I am so cool.

I found a few hello kitty lipglosses (garbage), old stickers, countless animal crackers, and finally, I discovered the culprit. A baggie of chicken that Andrew had insisted he bring with him earlier in the week.


The next day I told Little Buddy that we had figured out what caused the smell.  He said, "Yes.  I not want chicken.  I take chicken and put there."  While demonstrating how he pushed it in between 2 car seats.  I did not detect any remorse.

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