Monday, May 2, 2011

Guest Blogger Andrew Malone: More Tips from the Ladies Man

Last fall, I gave you some tips for picking up the ladies.  Here is a quick update. 

1.  Learn to play with their toys.  Ladies don't like train sets and trucks.  They like strollers, princesses and tea sets.  Borrow these toys.  Figure it out.  And act like you like it.

The girls will either think you are pretty awesome (since you like the same toys they do) or they will try to take them from you. Then you can be like, "Hey there sweetie, sure you can play this girly toy, AND me."

2.  Get a good sad face.  Any lady over 12 years old will fall for it every time.  At daycare, when my mom drops me off, I get this big pouty look on my face and stick out my lower lip.  Usually, one of the daycare ladies scoops me up and takes me over to the rocking chair for a long cuddle.  When you do this,  DO NOT cry loudly.  The older kids will hear in the next room and that will totally ruin your reputation.  

3.  Get comfortable showing off your body.  I learned to unzip my jammies and I like to leave them open a bit to show off my chest.  I am getting used to this now, so when I am older I will be confident in showing of my manly physique.

4. Hang out where the ladies hang out
Do the ladies hang out at a baseball game?  No. 
Do they hang out at the hardware store?  No. 
They hang out at ballet class and the mall.  That is where you should be, my friend.

5. Chase them.  My mom probably told you that she caught me at daycare chasing a little girl around the room.  I do it all the time.  There is a fine line here, some ladies may find this creepy or scary.  But if the little sweetie squeals with laughter, try chasing her around the room for a little bit.  Not sure what to do if you actually catch her though.  Ideas anyone?

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