Friday, September 24, 2010

Guest Blogger Andrew Malone - Ladies Man

I love the ladies.  

I can easily win them over with my big blue eyes and sweet smile. 

Although, lately they have been walking right by without noticing me.... So I have a few tips/tricks to grab their attention...

1. Ride around town in a pink buggy.  Because the ladies love pink.  

When they see the stroller they are like, " OH!  I love pink, let me see who is cool enough to be riding in that!"  Then the take a look and see this....

One handsome little boy!

2. If I see a fine looking honey, I "accidentally" knock my bottle off the table.  And I look at her (with a raised eyebrow) like, "Sorry sweetie, my bad, can you be a doll and pick that up for me?"  Then they stop, pick it up, hand it to me and say, "Here you go cutie," and give me a kiss - at least that's the idea.  Now so far this has only worked with my mom and my sister.....but in my book they count.  *Also works with blankies, pacis, toys.

3. You are at a restaurant and see a cute baby at the next table.  Just happen to spill your water or milk all over your shirt.  Your mom will need to take off your shirt and the ladies will get a look at your cute body.  You may be saying "But Baby Andrew, then the cutie will just think you are clumsy!"  But no, my friend, they will just be impressed you are using a cup all by yourself.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

impromptu trip to the museum

One hot day in the late summer I took the kids to the museum.  Mondays are free day so I was a bit nervous....after experiencing the crowds, smoking and yelling (what?  i was the one yelling?  no!) that take place at free day at the zoo.  But it was very nice and calm.  

Grace was very excited to go to the museum.  

When we got inside she had a little breakdown in the butterfly area.  "I want to go play!"  I just didn't understand why she wouldn't want to be with all the live butterflies that land on your hands and head.  It was then that I realized she thought we were going to Betty Brinn Children's Museum - which is much more fun for a toddler than the regular museum.  But she got over it quickly ( i must have promised her candy or something).

But for some reason, these fossils thrilled her. 

Then we were off to the Streets of Old Milwaukee exhibit - my favorite!  Grace loved the candy store and Andrew had his eye on the Usinger's display.

Grace loves china as much as her mom!

Andrew quietly sat in his pink buggy and looked cute.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Andrew's 1st Birthday!

He was a little skeptical of the hat he got from Aunt Amy & Uncle Justin, but he adored the orange truck.

Here are the decorations for the circus party.  The dining room was supposed to look like a circus tent.  It was time consuming and hasn't been take down yet, but since Andrew demanded a circus party it was totally worth it.
The idea was that he would get the giant cake to himself and make a total mess and love it.  But he was not into it at all, that or he has excellent table manners.  He just looked at it and ate a few bites with a fork. 

Even though Andrew didn't like his cake too much, I was proud of my amateur attempt at a circus tent.  And I enjoyed picking at the frosting for a few days, until I decided it belonged in the garbage.

Grace was her usual self at the party.  Enjoying the people, cake and opening all of Andrew's presents while he slept.  She even got a present or 2 herself.  Including Barbie and Ken (which immediately began holding hands). 
And she made everyone play telephone with her. 

The hats were a flattering look for all.....

Friday, September 10, 2010

fun times

I have come to the conclusion that, while I may be good at a lot of things....

putting together ikea crap
changing diapers
eating candy
voicing my opinion
 rolling with the punches, going with the flow, in general being flexible (ha!)

...there are a lot of things I am not so good at.

Such as home improvement projects. 

This week has been rough. 

First, I tried to snake my tub drain and the snake got stuck.  Thats right, stuck. It eventually came out, but never again will I attempt a plumbing project.  Never.

Then I decided to hang some hooks up in the back hall.  Kevin is thrilled with the idea.  He LOVES hooks.  I am not exaggerating.  Loves them.  Why use hangers when you can use hooks?  He has a few in his closet and they usually have about 8 pairs of pants on each hook.

Anyways, before I put up the hooks I thought "Why not patch the existing nail holes?"  Which involved touching up the paint. Then I thought, why not touch up the whole back hall?  Never did I consider the possibility that the ONLY can of navy blue paint among the DOZENS of cans the previous owners left behind would not be a perfect match.  While it wasn't.  Close but no cigar. 

So now my back hall looks like this.

First I thought, "Hey, maybe it is a new faux finish?"
No.  Bad idea.  Must be fixed.  By someone other than me.

Well, I was looking for an excuse to get rid of  those dark walls anyways.  Good thing I got a drop on our new carpet so I will have a constant reminder of that color and this fun week. 

And good thing we have an awesome painter Jose  (<--- Mom, click that link, its for you!).