Friday, September 10, 2010

fun times

I have come to the conclusion that, while I may be good at a lot of things....

putting together ikea crap
changing diapers
eating candy
voicing my opinion
 rolling with the punches, going with the flow, in general being flexible (ha!)

...there are a lot of things I am not so good at.

Such as home improvement projects. 

This week has been rough. 

First, I tried to snake my tub drain and the snake got stuck.  Thats right, stuck. It eventually came out, but never again will I attempt a plumbing project.  Never.

Then I decided to hang some hooks up in the back hall.  Kevin is thrilled with the idea.  He LOVES hooks.  I am not exaggerating.  Loves them.  Why use hangers when you can use hooks?  He has a few in his closet and they usually have about 8 pairs of pants on each hook.

Anyways, before I put up the hooks I thought "Why not patch the existing nail holes?"  Which involved touching up the paint. Then I thought, why not touch up the whole back hall?  Never did I consider the possibility that the ONLY can of navy blue paint among the DOZENS of cans the previous owners left behind would not be a perfect match.  While it wasn't.  Close but no cigar. 

So now my back hall looks like this.

First I thought, "Hey, maybe it is a new faux finish?"
No.  Bad idea.  Must be fixed.  By someone other than me.

Well, I was looking for an excuse to get rid of  those dark walls anyways.  Good thing I got a drop on our new carpet so I will have a constant reminder of that color and this fun week. 

And good thing we have an awesome painter Jose  (<--- Mom, click that link, its for you!). 

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