Saturday, May 31, 2014

Warm and sunny days

We have been soaking up all the sunshine and warm weather.  We have already been to the pool three or four times and we are having a ball.

 We have have officially traded the fleeces and mittens, for swim suits and bathing caps.  

Wednesday, May 28, 2014


I have a lot of blog catching up to do.  A lot.  So let's start now....

Andrew's hair grows so fast.  He needs haircuts very frequently.  At his last cut, I was told that his eyebrows NEEDED a trim.  Like father like son.

We have been working on organizing the house and cleaning up after the long winter.  One of my projects was organizing the countless tubs of little girl clothes in my attic.  

We have had some great weather hear lately.  This picture was from Mother's Day- the kids got to play in the sprinkler!

Sweet big brother Andrew held Mae's hand because she was "scared".  These days she is scared of everything!

May is the season of at least three events at school per week.  This was Grace's bridging ceremony from Daisys.  

Lucky grace enjoyed her third trip to the MAC Father Daughter Dinner Dance.  Apparently she was a dancing maniac- no surprise there!

And finally, Kevin and I have been enjoying lots of date nights!  Complete with giant beers and gin and tonics.  

My little girl is growing up

Grace lost her first tooth a while ago, and finally #2 came out (at the pool along with a ton of blood- wow!). The next tooth will be out you can see in the photo below.

Grace left the sweetest note for the Tooth Fairy.  The tooth fairy claims she plants them in a garden and they grow into beautiful flowers.  Lovely thought. 

Monday, May 19, 2014

God is a cool guy

Me: Andrew, you are such a gift.
Andrew: "A gift from God?"
Me: That's right.
Andrew: "God is a cool guy.  Because he gives us other people as gifts."

Something tells me this sweet little guy will do just fine at St. Jude next year!

Friday, May 16, 2014

Farm field trip

Today was Andrew's big school field trip to the farm.  He was so excited to pack his lunch (salami, cheetos, applesauce and a juice box- packing lunches for him next year is going to be interesting!) and ride on a big yellow school bus.  He got to milk a cow, ride on a pony and pets lots of animals.  When I picked him up he could not have been more exhausted.