Monday, December 31, 2012

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Monday, December 17, 2012

No teeth? No problem!

Even though my pearly whites have not surfaced yet, I can still eat Cheerios, ham and cheese!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Andrew Style

Andrew loves this song and is constantly watching youtube videos of it.  We tell him it goes, "Heyyyyy single ladies!"  Because you know how he loves his single ladies.  In fact he told me today that he has arranged for one of the single ladies from his daycare to join us on our family vacation in a few months.  He said, "She want to see clouds (in the airplane).  She need to ask her mom first.  Then she come with us."  Oh Andrew, I think you are a bit young to be bringing a date on a family vacation!

Check out Andrew's version courtesy of cannot view this on your phones or ipads, you have to use a "real" computer.

When we showed him this video he was totally confused/freaked out.  You could tell he was trying to remember when he learned all these crazy dance moves!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Gracie's Handwriting

So proud of her progress this year!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Recently 6

Lately, I have been putting a lot of pictures on instagram.  It is sorta like the best part of facebook - the pictures!  If you want to follow Kevin and me our ID is malonekp.  Look us up. 
Here are some pics from the recent weeks.  If you follow this blog and you follow me on instagram, then you are a double dose....and what is wrong with you????
Decorating for Christmas with my little reindeer.
Andrew singing.  Enough said.
We went to the domes.  I think we were done in about 12 minutes.
Our little visitor.
Girls night with Kelly and Nina - so fun and long overdue!