Thursday, May 24, 2012

"I not need that any more."

The other day, when Andrew was throwing his applesauce container away, I heard a little clank.  Like metal hitting metal.  I went over to the garbage to check it out.  It was metal hitting metal - one of my flatware teaspoons hitting another.

Because someone threw them in the garbage! 

And that someone would be Little Buddy.  Ah ha!  That would be why I am constantly pulling spoons out of the dishwasher and washing them.

"Andrew.  We do not throw these away.  Why would you put this in the garbage?"
"I not need them anymore."
"But we re-use them.  We wash them and then we can use them again."
"Uh, I not need them."
"Andrew, do not throw these away!  Are you going to throw them away again?"
"Yes I do."

(We had this same conversation over and over again for the next few days.  Him insisting that he will throw spoons in the garbage, "Yes, I do.  I frow them in the farbage!")

So I headed out to the garbage and dug through the bags there - hoping to recover some more spoons.  A job made a bit easier by the fact that raccoons get into our garbage every night, yet I was unsuccessful.  And needless to say, this was definitely not the highlight of my day.

I decided we could not live with only 7 teaspoons, I mean really who could?  So I ordered a new set of flatware, luckily our pattern is still in production.  And of course I found a fabulous deal on Amazon and thanks to my prime membership, I had the flatware in 48 hours.  Bonus, the new set came with a pie server!  Score!  I have never owned a pie server and somehow I feel like my life is now complete.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Mae Passport Photo : Attempt #2

Fail!  Did you know you cannot wear a white shirt in your passport picture? 
Oh Mae. 

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Dirty Water

Last week we put all the kids in the tub at once.  I was trying to be efficient.  It was cute, but kinda gross too. 

Grace was excited to be in the tub with Mae, but Mae looked a little alarmed by the whole situation.

And Andrew was mostly distracted by a certain part of his anatomy.  Boys!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Father Daughter Dinner Dance

A few weeks ago, lucky Miss Grace got to go to the Father Daughter Dinner dance with her dad and grandpas.  She was excited. 

She looked beautiful.

And as you can see by this video.  She had fun.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Applique Shirts - Round 2

This past week I pulled out the sewing machine and made matching cousins shirts for the upcoming trip to Hilton Head.  Andrew was a little upset because he wanted a "W" on his shirt, not an "A".  For some reason he loves "W"s.  He wasn't even alive during the Bush administration so I am not sure what that is all about.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Guest Blogger Mae Malone - I am one month old!

I am one month old today. 

I like to eat.
I like to be held. 
I like my sister, brother and dad.  But I really like my mom.
I like to sleep in my car seat.
I like to wake up and grunt and cry between 1am and 3am. 
I like to pee on the changing table.  At least once a day. 

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Mae passport photo: attempt #1

She would not open her eyes despite having her diaper changed  in the post office.  But someone did ask me if I was trying to mail my baby, so that was awesome.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

May Day

This morning Gracie ran into my room, looked at Mae in her bassinet and said, "Today is your day Mae!  It is May Day!"