Monday, December 29, 2014

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Friday, December 26, 2014

Mae's Christmas Concert

A few weeks before Christmas, the daycare Mae attends held a concert.  It was very cute.  Here is a photo of Mae in the front row while her group sang "Rudolf."  Next to her is one of her many "boys".  Nope, not the one she smooches at naptime.  A different boy.  

Can you tell she is the third child?  I knew it was the concert day, but I still let her wear whatever she wanted that day.  A random assortment of clothing with varying degrees of formality.  The pigtails on the top of her head are the daycare teacher's attempt at keeping her hair out of her face.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Getting ready for Christmas

Mailing Christmas cards

Picking out our tree

Andrew's Christmas Concert
A visit from cousin Evelyn.
Christmas parties
Cookie decorating
We had a fun evening with our great friends.
And took a quick relaxing trip before christmas to lake lawn resort in delavan. 
Where the kids slept in one bed....for about 10 minutes.

Merry Christmas

"Things That Make Me Grinchy" by Grace Malone

1. My brother 
2. Homework
3. Repeating orders
4. Going to bed early
5. Getting up early
6. Chores
7. Sitting in the car
8. Cleaning
9. Boy things
10. Being nice to brothers
11. Pulling hair
12. Brother's traps

Saturday, November 29, 2014

This is Snow

He is six years old.  His favorite color is white.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Sweet Andrew

"Mommy, I just want to hug you all day.  I will never stop hugging you.  Well...until snack time.  I have goldfish for a snack."

And then he brought this gem home from school.  Look how nicely he can write his name!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

New York - celebrating our 10 year

On August 20th, Kevin and I celebrated our 10th anniversary.  A few days later we headed to New York for a short get away.  It has always been one of our favorite destinations and we had a ball bike riding in central park, eating out, and just walking around the city without pushing a stroller!