Thursday, January 31, 2013

Sweet Baby Mae

Mae is still in the infant room at her daycare.  The teachers there are excellent.  One of them has been at the center for over 20 years!  She is wonderful with the babies, but is pretty quiet and serious.  Today we were talking about how Mae is "graduating" to the older baby room in a few weeks.  And she said, "Mae is the sweetest and best behaved older baby we have ever had in here."  I asked her to clarify "best behaved."  She said most babies her age bug the little babies - take their pacifiers, poke them, etc.  But not my Mae!  Sweet Mae just minds her own business. 

I guess what she lacks in hair she makes up for in charm!

I know you all are thinking that this teacher is just being nice.  But no way.  She tells it like it is.  When Andrew was moving to the big baby room I asked her if he was the worst eater she has ever had.  She said no.  He was the second worst eater.  Which is much better - right? 

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