Monday, August 1, 2011

Trip to the Library

I never have a good experience at the Wauwatosa library.  I will tell you why. 
1. I never seem to follow protocol by doing things like bringing my library card, bringing a non-expired library card, bringing a drivers license with a current address to renew said expired library card, having money to pay library fines...I could go on. 

2. My kids are, uh, not quiet and calm.  And I chase them around like a crazy person. 

3. The people at the library are not very sympathetic.  You know how when your kid is freaking out at the grocery store, there is some nice person who is like, "I've been there, please take my place in line."  or gives you a sympathetic smile?  Not at this library.  Lots of sighs and dirty looks.  You would think these characters went there for the peace and quiet or something. 

4. It is pretty darn clear that the librarians in the children's section are totally not into kids at all.  They act super annoyed if you ask a question about like a book or something.  God forbid we pull them away from their computerized Dewey decimal system.

Anyways, today, against my better judgement, I took the kids to the library.  I say "against my better judgement" because of all the reasons above, and that Andrew is consistently HORRIBLE at the library.  I am not sure what it is about that place, but it brings out the worst in Little Buddy.  Well today, with the exception of yelling "Grace! Grace!" at the top of his lungs, standing on a table, and running away 5 times, he was really good.  Then I realized why, he found a book he can relate too...

Here are all the books we checked out.

For Grace, a book about not saying we hate people.  Not that she says that about her little brother or anything...just in case it ever comes up.  And a book about starting school (the only one I could find) and reading.

For Andrew, one book about the potty and two about being dirty.  He is a dirty little guy these days.  His feet stink, he has grubby little paws, he rubs food all over his face, and his hair is always matted with a pomade of bug spray, chlorine, ketchup and sunscreen. 

And finally, here is Kevin reading to them right before bed.  In this weather, my kids sleep without clothes on. 

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