Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Birthday Boy!

This past weekend we celebrated Andrew's 2nd birthday.  We opted for a farm theme party at PopPop and JuJu's.  Their house really sets the "farm" mood.  Bonus - I didn't have to clean my house!

Here are some snapshots from the party.  Andrew does not like sweets, except for donuts.  So I made him a donut cake.  So easy

And for those of us that like sweets, I had sugar cookies and cakes in mason jars. 

Every little one got a gift bag with fun toys. 

Andrew and Mikey loved playing in the water fountain. 

We also had a fun game of Pin the Tail on the Donkey.  Grace totally cheated.  Here she is precisely placing the tail right on the donkey, looking through the edge of the eye patch.

Mikey embraced the spirit of the game and Andrew just played with the stickers.

And the largest kid, Uncle Mark, even got in the fun.

Check out my sweet tattoo.  It is a pig and it says "Oink, Oink!".  Funny story, later that night I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and thought, "Geez, why do I look so trashy?  Ah yes, because I have a tattoo on my arm."  No offense to my readers who like body art.  I don't.  I think tattoos are a mistake and will be regretted later.  Like the lady I saw at the pool this summer who has a tattoo on her upper thigh (horrible place for a tattoo), that is a picture of Winnie the Pooh and says "Carpe Diem."  Seriously.
Andrew loved having Happy Birthday sung to him and he tried to blow out the candles....without spitting!

But of course, he didn't eat his donut.  Oh well.

Andrew loved his gifts, gave out a lot of hugs, and had a ton of fun!

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