Sunday, December 12, 2010

Hand me downs

Since there are very few places in Milwaukee that carry classic children's clothing (and the one place that does is pricey and I am, well, frugal) I have started to look on line, which brought be to "ebay."  Have you heard of this website?  Apparently people sell their stuff and you can purchase it using "paypal"?  So on ebay, I can buy clothes from the people south of the mason-dixon line. 

I bought Gracie this smocked bishop's dress for $16
 and Andrew these snappy all leather saddle shoes for $5.99 (what?!).  
I got into a little bidding war for the dress, but I won.  Of course. 
No one else wanted the shoes.  Shocking.  

I am also a fan of the "hand me downs" I dug out of my parent's attic.  I am so happy my mom stashed the clothes from when we were little.  Mark's stuff was especially cute. 

See how much Andrew loves his rompers?

Mine and Amy's were cute, but kind of scratchy.  I am really surprised at how uncomfortable a lot of these old clothes seem.  Maybe that is why I am so tough.  Having to wear scratchy dresses gave me thick skin.  Just a thought.

I must disclose that my husband believes I am torturing my children by making them wear these things, especially Baby Andrew. 
They look precious. 
And before you know Andrew will be begging me to wear crummy t-shirts, baggy cargo pants or even a sports jersey (the horror!) and Grace...don't even want to think about it.   So lets enjoy the smocking and appliqued bunnies while we can, okay?

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