Thursday, December 23, 2010

Disney World!

Earlier this month we went to Disney World!  Woohoo!  It was a quick trip to visit my sister, Justin and the Disney Castle.  Oh yeah, and the awesome outlet malls.  We had so much fun.

Even though we stayed right outside the Disney property, it still took a good 30-45 minutes to get from our hotel room to the Magic Kingdom.  Cars, Trams, Boats and Monorails!

I love my preppy husband, he was the only person at disney world in a button non-Mickey mouse button down.

Our approach to Disney World and first view of the castle!  Thrilling!

While we had an awesome time, the trip had a few hiccups:
When got to the airport and all our tickets had to be re-ticketed.  Despite me calling to confirm everything 48 hours prior to the flight.  This turned into a fiasco that took about an hour with the super friendly ticket counter people to resolve. 
Then my ticket at Disney didn't work...uh oh!  Denied.

Then a not so smart mom took her 16 month old on a bunch of rides, including the tea cups, then fed him lunch, then wheeled him around in a stroller and then made him giggle repeatedly.  Then he threw up.  What was she thinking?  Lame.

Then it started to rain, and we were not prepared.  See the people at the top with rain slickers on and blankets.  Geniuses.  Bet they didn't have to leave disney after 3 hours.

See these people with shorts on, wet, and covered in puke.  Yep, they left after 3 hours.

I have more posts coming about our trip so stay tuned.

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