Saturday, November 27, 2010

Snapshots from the past 2 weeks

Grace realized her skinny jeans and pink cowboy boots were stylish, and loved it!  I wish I could pull off this look (including the dog t-shirt).
Then we went a little crazy and added a hat...super cute, just a tad too big.  We took her to the mall dressed like this.  It was funny.

 Poor little Andrew was sick last week.  But look how sweet he is even with a booger face and stinky pants!

Very typical scenario around our house.  Grace having a melt down and Andrew calmly entertaining himself in the background. 

Kevin and Andrew setting the table in their matching outfits.
Grace in a somewhat visually offensive outfit:

 She is obviously not a believer in the "less is more" philosophy.  

Finally,  I got a chance to do a few flower arrangements for a party my parents hosted which was really fun.

Andrew is just busy being his cute self.

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