Tuesday, February 16, 2010

last week

Failed attempt at a group nap.....

7:15 am - Grace wakes up
8:25 am - "Mommy, its been a long day" (in a resigned tone) Little did I know it would turn out to be a premonition for what was ahead....

After a disastrous trip to Target - i will spare the details but will say it involved a lot of running, laughing and throwing (Grace) along with yelling and chasing (Me) - we stayed home where Grace redeemed herself (for a bit) by cleaning the kitchen floor with a wipe. Now where would she have ever seen that?!

Big snow storm this week - Grace learned how to make a snow angel.  Then we were off to the weekly story time at a local coffee shop, where Grace ran into one of her friends from her old daycare. Thinking this tired her out some since SHE ACTUALLY TOOK A NAP that day!
(Notice the somewhat obnoxious coat with matching hat and mittens - that was the best i could do in a quest for a yellow winter coat....it manages to illicit lots of comments when we go out, such as "wow, what a colorful coat!", "my what a bright coat you have" I am learning to love it since she is easy to spot in stores when she is running away from me)

When she woke up we made banana muffins and then watched dad deal with all the snow....
Received a generous package in the mail with adorable light up cowgirl boots for grace, cow booties for Andrew and a picture of Kevin.....

While Grace hung around the house.....
We decided to try Andrew on solids...(since he has been stealing food off my plate.) 
and did not have much success.

We had a great time celebrating Amy's birthday with her - what a treat to see her on her actual bbirthday!  Grace loved practicing for her upcoming birthday party by helping blow out candles and open presents.

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