Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Hilton Head 2013 - Lawton Stables

In Sea Pines, there is this great stable and small farm where children can go on pony rides.  It is a quick and fun activity.

Here is Grace harassing a poor chicken.

Andrew is discussing something with the horse.  I couldn't understand.  Reminded me of his visit with the Ox at Betty & Dave's farm.

I thought the kids may be a little nervous, but nope, they were just very excited.  Even Mae got to sit on the pony for a quick photo!

I love this picture of Andrew.  The expression on his face is just so him.  He is super excited, but trying to stay cool.  I love his little hand gripping the saddle.  So sweet.

Grace had a ball too - but soon she will be too big for the ponies! 

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