Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Guest Blogger Mae Malone: Business Up Front, Party in the Back

I am six months old now.  Since my mom doesn't have her act together enough to do a nice post about me at 6 months and all I have accomplished so far (like she did about Andrew), I will do my own. 
  • I am 16 pounds (well, almost).
  • I have a number of nicknames, all given to me by my brother.  Most commonly I am referred too as Maisie Moo or The Mae Monster.  (For some reason he thinks I am a monster and accuses me of biting him.  Just wait until I can actually bite you Andrew.)
  • I am cute and smiley.
  • I love my brother, he is really sweet and rubs my head.
  • I love my sister, she calls me "Sissy" and always asks to hold me.  She reads to me, plays with me and makes me laugh.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FtAZDUhxzrM&feature=plcp

  • I am sick all the time, and sometimes I need medicine.  (Even when I am sick, I am still gorgeous.) 
  • (I am really good at making that whole process difficult.)
    • I am starting to get a little worried when my mom leaves the room...will she come back?
    • I am learning to sit.
    • I can turn pages in a book (Thank you daycare.  My mom never, ever reads to me).
    • I can swing.  My mom put me in a swing this week and was all excited about it.  She kept asking me if I liked my first time on the swing.  I just smiled and acted really thrilled.  But I really wanted to say, "Hey mom, if this is my first time on a swing what do you call that thing in my room that you put me in everyday.  What?  A swing?  That's right."  But I didn't say that, because she is my meal ticket so I try to keep her happy.  Here is a video of my "first" time on a swing - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ILmZ67xUU4&feature=results_video
    • I can roll over all by myself.
    • I am starting to eat new foods and I really enjoy when my Daddy or Gracie feed me.
    • I am now willing to take a bottle from Daddy, as long as my mom is not in the room.
    • I currently DO NOT have diaper rash. (Well, I didn't on my 6 month birthday.  But last week I had to go on antibiotics and now I do have diaper rash again.  So I am on probiotics to help my tush.  PRObiotics and ANTIbiotics - you sure that makes sense Mom?)
    • And I have a mullet.
    I was born with it.  And I like it.  It is working for me.  I am choosing not to grow hair.  Instead of my mom constantly putting bows in my hair, I get to show off cute hats. 

    Apparently my sister had a bow in her hair since birth.  All these bows are just sitting and collecting dust in my room. 
    And everyone (yes, even my dad) just cannot wait until I can get a bow in my hair.    So they are forcing things a bit.

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