Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Mae's First Week

Mae has spent most of her first week wrapped up like a burrito.

She had her first bath, and didn't like it too much.

We have been changing a lot of diapers.  Look how tiny she is!

I am not sure I noticed this with Grace and Andrew, but I have experienced a few moments where she is laying on my chest or stomach and makes a movement - a kick or shift of her body - that is exactly what she did when she was inside me.  It is the weirdest and coolest feeling. 

See that foot?  Before she was born I used to grab it just like that and move it back and forth.  Perhaps that is why one of her baby toes is smushed into the other toe.  Whoops.

One day, I propped her in our armchair in front of the window so she could get a little vitamin D.  She looked a little worried.  I think she thought I was going to leave her there.

Mae has also had some good sibling bonding time.  Gracie is very, very, very excited to be a big sister.  And very, very, very hands on.  Andrew is being great, just not as effusive. 

 Luckily we have had only a few minutes of this...

And a lot more moments of this....

I have taken hundreds of pictures of Mae, trying to capture all of this precious newborn stage.  Here she has had enough.  If she could talk, she would say "Give it a rest Mom!"

Finally, the highlight of her week (besides my milk coming in) was meeting her cousin Ben! As Gracie pointed out, Mae is 1 day older and will always be older than him.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting so many pictures of Mae and the family- I can't wait to meet her!
