Friday, March 2, 2012

Shake, Shake, Shake!

Yesterday, Gracie and I stopped at McDonald's to pick up a Shamrock Shake.  I have been sick for over 2 weeks and was having a craving and the baby needed the calories, those are my official excuses.

She kept asking me what Shamrock Shakes are, and I kept saying they are shakes.  Admittedly, not the best answer.  I don't think she got it. 

I think she was also a little confused, because it happened to be a day that she did not get a superstar stamp at school.  Her teacher gives each child a hand stamp every day that they behave all day.  There have only been 2 days so far that Gracie did not get a stamp.  I have talked to other parents and their kids only get stamps a few times a week.  Gracie is the ultimate rule follower.  And the smartest, cutest and best behaved 4K student.  Ever.  Obviously.  Apparently, she didn't clean up something when her teacher asked her too.  Naughty Gracie! 

Whatever, I wanted a shake.  It was not the day to teach her some lesson about behaving at school or something. 

When we got the total due in the drive through, $4.22, Grace gasped from the backseat.  "Mommy, do we have enough money to pay for that?!"  I used this as an opportunity to explain that we pay for all our necessities first, like our house, food, school, etc. and then we can use the money left over to buy some fun things.  And we don't buy things we can't afford.  And that is why we don't buy her toys all the time, because we need the money for other things.  I turned back and she had an expression on her face that clearly read, "Sorry I asked."  So, I dropped the fiscal responsibility conversation.

After Gracie finished her shake, she was on a total sugar high.  She came up to me and was like, "Oh I get it! Its like ice cream!  But you DRINK it with a straw, you don't EAT it with a spoon!  A shake!  A shake!  Shake, shake shake!"  And then she danced around the kitchen shaking her booty.   

Amy and Mark - If I wasn't sick we definitely would have gotten a large, shared and saved a dollar.  Just like we were raised.  For you outsiders, whenever we would get fast food (usually only on vacation) growing up, we would always just get 2 large sodas and all share.  Much cheaper than all getting individual small sodas.  Obviously.

And while I am on the topic of Grace, I will share 2 conversations from last week:

"Hey Mom, is it Crazy Friday today?"

"Uh, no Grace. Why?"
"You know like it was Fat Tuesday and Ash Wednesday this week?"

"Mom, how do you spell two?"
"Do you mean the number two or the word to?"
"How do you spell two?!  Ugh two, you know the word two!" 
"Like, I have on two boots or I am going to the store? Can you use it in a sentence?"
Sure Mom, 'How do you spell two?'


  1. I still try to follow the rule about sharing fountain drinks, but Justin doesn't get it...he thinks it screws with the company's business model. I tell him that's exactly the point!

