Tuesday, January 24, 2012

You get one.

I love Ikea stuff; and I love putting it together.  When whatever I am assembling is complete, I really feel like I have accomplished something.  I can say, "Look!  I BUILT that dresser with my own two hands!"  Like the assembly involved sawing, sanding, painting and actual skill, instead of just a disposable allen wrench.  Details. 

Last week, Kevin and I headed down to Ikea.  Andrew needed a new dresser and I needed other random stuff.  Like paper dinner napkins.  Totally worth the drive to Schaumburg.
We also bought a storage unit for the baby's room, which I have since decided that I don't like and will be moving to the basement for toy storage.  Anyway, Saturday morning I put it together.  Kevin was with Grace at her drama class, so it was just me and my little buddy to get the job done.  

Now, not to toot my own horn or anything, but I am pretty skilled at putting this stuff together.  Perhaps I allowed Andrew to help because I felt I needed more of a challenge? But really, who wouldn't want this little guy's help? 
Anyways, I tore open the box, sorted all the wood pieces and in strolled Andrew.  He said, "I help Mommy."  Grabbed a couple toys (just to clutter the space up) and sat down in my work area.  This will be good, I thought.  He can learn how to use tools!  He can see that women can be handy too!

One problem.  I follow the Ikea directions.  Andrew does not.

Like a typical man, he thinks he knows better. 

His first step was to find another box of screws, and mix them together with the screws for this project.  Then he took random screws and put them in all the pre-drilled holes.  And, again, like any other man, insisted that his way was the right way. 

"Andrew, those screws don't go there."
"Yes.  Them do."
"Can you please take them out and help me with these screws?"

He also decided to assert his authority over me a few times.  When I said, "Andrew, please hand me four of those little wooden dowels?"  Silence.  So I realized he probably didn't know what a dowel was.  So I said, "Four of those little wooden stick things."  He looked at them, thought about it, and said matter of factly, "You get one."  

Like when he asks for three donuts and I say, "You get one."  Now I guess I know how he feels?  

And then when I asked him to hand me the directions, and he tore them apart.

Andrew also helped by "vacuuming" it with his corn popper.  And when we were just about done, he climbed into it and marked his territory....if you catch my drift. 

Job well done Little Buddy, job well done!

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