Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Roasted Brussels Sprouts

Get some brussels sprouts and wash them.
Aren't they cute?
Peel off the top layer of leaves.  

WARNING: Sit down, turn on the tv or radio, this is going to take a while.

See?  Lots of peeling.

Wash them again. Trim the stems and slice in half.

Thinly slice some shallots.

Pancetta.  This is italian bacon.  It is salty and good.  Have the guy at the deli counter cut it into very thick slices or just have him give you a chunk.

Since everything at my house is generic brand, I borrowed some good aged balsamic vinegar from my mom.  I think the older the better.
 I don't think Market pantry (target brand) balsamic would work in this recipe.  Plus my guests always deserve the best.

Mix together with olive oil, salt and pepper. 

Roast in the over for 30 minutes or so.  Stir and watch it.  You want the balsamic to carmelize and some of the little leaves to get crispy.  Yum.

I made about 2.5 lbs for 15 people.  There were only a few lonely sprouts left in the bowl when I was done.  Given that these are, well, brussels sprouts, I took that as a sign that they tasted good.

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