Monday, October 25, 2010

Very random things

 My autumn display of heirloom pumpkins and a giant gourd.  I have managed to keep the dining room table nice while the rest of my house is in a perpetual state of disaster.  I think I may soon be giving in and finally getting a cleaning lady to come once in a while.  

Outside the Box
In case anyone has wondered, "Gee what interesting conversations do Kevin and Bridget have when no one else is around?" here is your answer. (And I realize absolutely no one has ever thought about what we talk about, ever). 

Me - "Kevin, I have an idea.  Its a little crazy and definitely outside of the box, but hear me out."
Kevin - "This is going to be good, hold on."  (Then he makes the outline of a pretend box with his hands and dramatically steps outside of it, because he is going to think outside of the box and he is sooo funny.) "Okay, I'm ready." 

Me -  "What if we move the ironing board from the guest room to the basement so I can iron while I watch tv?  Maybe then I would get more ironing done!  I would keep it in the storage room out of the way." 

I think we need our own reality show, it would be fascinating.

Grace Update

Grace got to go swimming Sunday and had a lot of fun, thanks Grandma Jane!

Grace, in what can only be explained as an effort to ensure she is still thought of as being a 'character', said "Mommy you are small and Daddy you are big.  But Mommy your booty is big and Daddy your booty is small."  Perceptive little girl.

Team Spirit
At times my job can be, uh, funny.  I am on the Spirit Squad for our team, which Kevin finds HILARIOUS,   Given that I am not very spirited or lively or whatever.  We try to do fun things for our team, which can be challenging since we all work all over the country from our homes.  For Halloween this year we were sending everyone a little packet of candy.  So I agreed to go buy candy, put together the bags and mail them out for a portion of our team. I will not bore you with the details but lets just say mailing these suckers out was a bit of a fiasco.  I may now be banned from the Mayfair post office since I threw a little bit of a fit last night.....they are going out for the last time tomorrow.  If they do not get where they are supposed to go I get and A for effort and there may be some less spirited members of the Accenture Products North America HR Team. 

 Andrew Update
This little guy has been a handful lately.  He walks, very fast, towards danger.  Stairs and the streets are like magnets for Andrew.  He has fun knocking over glasses.  He throws things on the floor, really hard.  He STILL poops in the tub.  He carries food around and leaves crumbs everywhere.  He tries to stand up on chairs and laughs when he is caught.  He screams when the baby gates goes up.  But to make up for this he has started pointing and talking gibberish.  So cute.

 The kids did not nap today. I spent 20 minutes reading a magazine article while they "played".  They were supervised I just wasn't following them around picking up everything they got into.  And this was the result of about 3-4 minutes of "playing....not great pictures but they illustrate that the mess was widespread.  

Then they abandoned this game and started playing what Grace calls "Take the Granola Bar from Andrew".  Which is a pretty comprehensive title and resulted in a lot of crying from Andrew.

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